
AUTOSTEINER.CH is the online presence of Auto Steiner Zürich AG. It presents its offers and introduces the company.

Data protection

Responsible for the data processing is:

Auto Steiner Zürich AG, Winterthurerstrasse 698, CH - 8051 Zurich
Tel +41 44 325 60 60, e-mail

If you have any data protection concerns, please let us know at the contact address provided.

Copyright image and text

Without a corresponding reference on the respective page, the further use of images and text of any kind requires the written consent of Auto Steiner Zürich AG and is only permitted with reference to the copyright information.

Liability notice

Despite careful checking, Auto Steiner Zürich AG accepts no liability for the content of external links. The operators of the linked pages are solely responsible for their content. Although Auto Steiner Zürich AG has taken the necessary care to ensure the accuracy of the information contained on the website at the time of publication, no express or implied responsibility or guarantee (including liability towards third parties) is assumed for its accuracy, reliability or completeness. Auto Steiner Zürich AG therefore accepts no liability for the use or interpretation of the information contained therein. The website is operated to the best of our knowledge and belief.